We were really excited to join Percona University Istanbul last weekend, an event which was sponsored by FerretDB and HostedPMM.
How to Pass Basic MongoDB CRUD Operations With FerretDB
In this tutorial, we will show you how to pass basic MongoDB CRUD operations in FerretDB - the open source MongoDB alternative.
New release: FerretDB 0.6.1!
We are happy to inform you that FerretDB is currently in Alpha, and we have a new release - FerretDB 0.6.1.
How FerretDB stores BSON in JSONB
In this article, we show how FerretDB stores and translates MongoDB's BSON format into JSONB in PostgreSQL.
5 Tips to Help Mitigate the Risks of Vendor Lock-In In Your Database
Database vendor lock-in poses a technical, financial, and legal risk for all companies. This article provides you with the 5 tips you need to avoid these risks
How to start contributing to FerretDB on Windows
In this post, you'll find out how to properly configure and set up your Windows OS, avoid typical Windows environment issues, and start contributing to FerretDB.
How to start FerretDB locally with Docker
Learn to set up FerretDB locally using Docker by installing the essential software prerequisites, configuring Docker containers, and running insert() and find() commands.
Introducing FerretDB Beacon: Help Us Increase Compatibility
Introducing FerretDB Beacon – a service to help us effectively identify compatibility issues and prioritize solutions based on user interaction with FerretDB.